*Trying to define my today's mood...*
It happens all the time, when you pass the whole day listening to the same song which helps you feeling more doom, grim and depressed...
I hurt myself today
To see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
The needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything.
What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
goes away in the end
You could have it all
My empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt.
I wear this crown of shit
upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
You are someone else
I am still right here.
What have I become?
My sweetest friend
Everyone I know
goes away in the end
You could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt.
If I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way...
*Charon's Hurt video at Tavastia is available for downloading at Jana's Charon russian fan site http://www.frail-dreams.tk Enjoy!*
Pain, as all the human emotions are momentary and will only grow and stay with you as long as you feed it.....like a cat =)
Es chido sentirse triste un rato, pero ya, solo un rato, solo un momento para q puedas desahogar ese sentimiento de dolor q te persigue...no alimentes al gato a menos q te lo quieras quedar!
Me lo quiero quedar!!!
Quizá es raro para tí, bro, pero algunas personas somos felices porque podemos estar (y estamos) tristes
*feeding the cat, then*
Esto me ha hecho recordar aquellas bellas, aunque perversas palabras: "La melancolía es la dicha por estar triste".
Y sí, I would give it a try...
Come on, let's feed the cat...
Es que hay de gatos a gatos
"La melancolía es la dicha por estar triste"
A huevo!!!
So let's feed the cat together, deal?
Es que hay de gatos a gatos
No manches!!!
Qué es lo segundo? una rata???
Ok, creo que entonces debo rectificar:
Let's feed the cat the cute one!!!
Hurt is a Reznor's song.
The Man In Black made a great cover.
Thanks so much for the correction, Tizano
It's now done in the post
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